JUDICIARY Latest Features

Masindi RCC Welcomes Judge Gadenya, bids farewell to 2 CMs
Hon. Justice Gadenya cutting cake at his welcome party at the RCC

On Wednesday(July 15,2020) members of the Masindi Justice, Law and Order Sector institutions held a scientific welcome do for new Resident Judge, Hon. Justice Gadenya Paul Wolimbwa.

The event doubled as a farewell party for the different Judicial Officers leaving the circuit.

These officers honored were HW Kagoda Samuel, the Chief Magistrate Hoima on transfer to Ibanda, HW Moses Kule Lubangula, and Chief Magistrate Masindi on transfer to Mityana, and Mr. Tusiime Dennis Rwatooro, the Regional Systems Administrator on transfer to the Judiciary headquarters.

Different speakers thanked the Judge for accepting to serve in Masindi. They equally commended the team on transfer for their dedication and hard work exhibited over the years. They wished them growth at their new stations.

The climax of the party was the cake-cutting ceremony followed by a gift-giving session.

Posted 15th, July 2020
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